A'Bear & Ball Architects | RIBA Chartered Architects

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Earth Day: Bringing forward more sustainable housing

Thursday 22 April 2021 is Earth Day. The theme of Earth Day this year is Restore Our Earth™. Earth Day Network, the organising body for Earth Day, is a non-profit with a mission to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. On Earth Day this year, there will be a number of digital events taking place across the world.

The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970. This was the birth of the modern environmental movement. As we start to return to “normal” post-COVID, it’s important we don’t go back to business-as-usual. Many are calling for a green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic as the climate emergency ensues.

Sustainable housing

Sustainable housing is an important part of any green recovery. Many professionals in the architecture and construction industries are promoting the need to build back better and build back greener. This could help decrease greenhouse gas emissions, while boosting the economy and creating more jobs. 

More buildings and homes need to be made to a higher energy efficiency. And it’s also important to consider the carbon emitted during the construction phase as well. Sustainability needs to be at the forefront of both the architecture and construction industries as we move forward.

Low energy designs

Low energy housing is vital for the UK to reach net zero carbon emissions. Energy efficient homes have numerous benefits to occupiers as well, including lower energy bills and healthier and more pleasant living environments.

A ‘fabric first’ approach to design and construction, specifying high levels of insulation and exceptional levels of airtightness, are key to achieve ultra-low energy designs. In particular, Passivhaus is a low energy design standard that dramatically reduces the requirement for space heating and cooling. This usually equates to 75% less than current Building Regulation standards.

At A’Bear & Ball Architects LLP, we have a track record of delivering housing projects to ultra-low energy design principles and to the full Passivhaus standard. At the outset of each of our projects, we agree energy performance targets with our clients. This puts creating energy efficient and sustainable homes at the forefront of every project.

Read more about our Practice’s low energy designs. And get in touch if you’d like to learn more about how A’Bear & Ball Architects can help you with sustainable housing projects.