


A'Bear & Ball Architects Blog

A’Bear and Ball Architects LLP – COVID 19 Client Update – 25 March 2020

An update to all our fantastic clients and those considering working with us in the near future;

COVID-19 Client Update.png

The situation surrounding COVID-19 continues to develop daily; however, we would like to reassure you that we are doing everything we can to ensure that we keep safe while continuing to work on your projects and deliver the high quality, personal and responsive service you are used to. 

The past couple of weeks have been a period of adjustment across our industry and the wider economy which may impact a little on our programming, but rest assured – we will catch up. And with wider restrictions on travel and 'face to face' meetings now in place, we will have more concentrated time over the next few weeks to focus on our design work and drawing production.

Following advice from Central Government, we have put in place measures to ensure that A’Bear and Ball Architects LLP can continue to operate safely and efficiently: 

  • We are now fully working remotely.

  • All members of our team communicate several times each day via video conferencing.   

  • All of our designs are fully digital so we can work on them and communicate them to you digitally.

  • We receive most of our communications electronically and ask that you continue to use email to communicate with us.

  • We can access our (VOIP) telephone system remotely so our ability to communicate via telephone will not be impacted. If our office number is not answered, please leave a voice message and we will always respond promptly. 

  • As well as communications over email and the telephone, we are also able to offer meetings via video conferencing. If you’d like to talk to us in this way, please let us know. 

  • If our resourcing levels are affected by illness or inability to work, we will refocus our team to deliver to deadlines wherever possible. This would mean prioritisation of workloads, and we would keep those affected updated, whilst taking every effort to mitigate the impact should this situation arise.

  • As work on our construction sites start to become impacted, we will liaise closely with our trusted partnering contractors to keep those affected updated and to ensure every effort is made to mitigate the impact.

Please stay safe! 

Rob A’Bear & Damon Ball

Partners, A’Bear & Ball Architects LLP