


A'Bear & Ball Architects Blog

Progress on recent architecture projects at A’Bear and Ball Architects

A’Bear and Ball Architects LLP has been working on a range of projects in recent months. Here are a few schemes that show the variety of architecture projects that are currently in progress at the Practice.

Work commencing on new hotel in Oxford

Recently, work commenced on the Edge Hotel, a new 38-bedroom, three-storey hotel on Abingdon Road in Oxford. The planned works are a fantastic opportunity to transform a dilapidated site and make a valuable contribution to the local economy. 

We look forward to seeing the progress made on-site over the coming months!

New dining hall at a school in Wokingham

The steelwork has been erected for a new dining hall at St Crispin's School, Wokingham, where we are acting as the Executive Architects for Feltham Construction

Feltham has also recently completed some of the associated refurbishment/alteration works in the adjoining areas of the existing school. These works were carefully programmed to be completed during the summer holidays and were ready to be handed back for the school to use at the start of the new term.

Next on site, we’re looking forward to seeing the CLT roof slabs being craned into position.

Extension & alterations to barns being used as offices in Oxfordshire

Planning Permission and Listed Building Consented was recently granted by the Vale of White Horse District Council for a single storey extension and internal alterations to Grade II Listed Barns that are being used as offices.

Located in Harwell, Oxfordshire, the barns have been modified over many years, with different uses and users adapting the building to suit their requirements. These latest changes will allow our client, Oxford Product Design, to be able to expand their business during this period of exciting growth.

And this also means that as the business continues to grow and develop, the listed barns will be constantly looked after and maintained. We have been working on the construction drawings and look forward to seeing these works carried out!

To see more of our full range of architecture projects we’ve been working on, browse our online portfolio. And follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn to keep up with our latest Practice updates.