


A'Bear & Ball Architects Blog

Design for exciting new contemporary hotel in Oxford


A’Bear & Ball Architects LLP has been working on the design of a new 43 bedroom hotel within walking distance of Oxford city centre, with the proposals having been recently submitted in a full planning application to Oxford City Council.  

The proposals include demolishing the substandard Victoria Hotel on Abingdon Road, which closed last year and replacing it with a contemporary bespoke hotel providing high quality facilities for tourist and business users visiting Oxford. As lead architect, we have been working very closely with our client – The Edge Hotel (Oxford) Ltd,  Mike Gilbert Planning and a number of supporting consultants to develop the design proposals.

Contemporary design

Across three floors, the proposed hotel features 43 double en-suite bedrooms, a two-bedroom staff flat and large reception/breakfast area. The hotel offers significantly better facilities than its predecessor and with a slightly smaller footprint it represents very efficient use of this brownfield site.

The design incorporates three floors of accommodation with the recessed upper floor comprising ‘penthouse’ bedrooms with external balconies enjoying fantastic views across the open green parkland to the east.  

A high quality buff brick is to be used on the ground and first floor elevations with projecting feature bay windows referencing the many Victorian decorative bay windows found along Abingdon Road.  Anthracite grey zinc shingles are proposed for the cladding material to the recessed upper floor providing a muted and non-reflective finish which references the numerous large box dormers found on the roofscape in this part of Oxford.

A contemporary layer of detailing compliments the primary bricked elevations with carefully formed crisp window openings with metal surrounds and inset copper faced vertical metal louvres.

We look forward to seeing this project progress in the coming weeks and months.

A’Bear & Ball Architects LLP has a range of architecture and design projects currently in progress. Please contact us if you’d like to learn more about how we can help you with your project from conception to construction.